Four antique objects were re-designed as web-enabled tools and traveled on Levi's Station to Station project across the country in the Summer of 2013.
I worked with Fake Love for AKQA and Levis to help produce the building of the objects. I came on towards the end of production, but helped the team install the objects onto the train and then manage the team and budget throughout the rest of the trip. We built:
Still Camera (1939 Graflex) >> Instagram
Video Camera (1953 Bolex B8) >> Instagram
Typewriter (1901 Underwood No. 5) >> Twitter
Guitar(1953 Gibson E-125) >> SoundCloud
I had never worked with any creative technologists or on any physical interactive pieces before, so it was a brand new experience for me. But I learned a lot, made some great friends, and most of all got to have a helping hand in bringing these amazing objects to people across the country.
Check out more info at Fake Love's site here, or on Creative Technologist Matt Epler's site here.
Design Taxi
Laughing Squid