For the third year in a row, I got the opportunity to work with my friends over at Panda Panther on the cinematics for Skylanders 2014: Skylanders Trapteam. This year, I was responsible for producing the previs (cinematography and blocking) and all of the character animation. A montage Panda Panther cut is above.
Below, I've included my two favorite scenes in their entirety. The first one, internally titled "FMV5" we referred to as the "Citizen Kane of FMVs" because we felt the cinematography and pure character acting were some of the best we've ever done. The next one was called "FMV9" and is at the climax of the game. I included this one because I love the Star Trek 2 reference and the amazing smoke effects done by the super talented FX homie Miguel Salak. The story for both probably won't make much sense since they're random parts of a long video game, but they're fun nonetheless. Enjoy!